CEO’s to Follow on Twitter

Posted on October 26, 2009. Filed under: Internet | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

By following a CEO on Twitter gives us the opportunity to know what’s on the minds of chief executives, founders of million dollar startups, and read what they’re reading/thinking/doing. Compilation list of 15 executives to follow on Twitter.

1) @jobing Aaron Matos, Founder and CEO of
Why you should follow: Aaron shares some great insight and articles with a faithful following. Plus, he’s got the coolest background on Twitter.

2) @kevinrose Kevin Rose, Founder and CEO of
Why you should follow: He’s got 345,000+ followers…he must be saying something worthwhile.

3) @zappos Tony Hsieh, CEO of
Why you should follow: Back to back keynote speaker at #SXSW, Zappos is a social media celebrity company.

4) @techcrunch Michael Arrington, CEO of
Why you should follow: The latest news in technology comes from Techcrunch.

5) @SunCEOBlog , CEO of Sun Microsystems
Why you should follow: See how the CEO of Sun communicates with employees, customers, and the world at large.

6) @gcolony, CEO of Forrester Research
Why you shoudl follow: CEO of one of the top research firms in the world.

7) @livestrongceo, CEO of Livestrong Foundation
Why you should follow: The guy runs one of the coolest foundations.

8) @finkd, Mark Zuckerburg, CEO of Facebook
Why you should follow: Um, he founded Facebook?

9) @stevecase, Co-Founder of AOL
Why you should follow: He doesn’t have involvement with AOL anymore, but is one smart guy.

10) @richardbranson, Chairman of Virgin Group
Why you should follow: He’s entertaining.

11) @biz, Co-Founder of Twitter
Why you should follow: To see what the guy who founded Twitter twitters about. And to follow that lead.

12) @ev, CEO of Twitter
Why you should follow: Latest news about Twitter.

13) @colneedham, Founder of IMBd
Why you should follow: IMBd has it’s own feed, but find out the behind the scenes stuff here.

14) @jailchandra, CEO of Technorati
Why you should follow: Technorati tags are cool.

15) @jeffbooth, CEO of
Why you should follow: Because could easily be your business.

(courtesy: Jessica Garvar, Community Relations South Florida)

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